A review by naomilane
Blind Faith by Rebecca Zanetti


I'm a big fan of the Sin Brothers series, I absolutely loved the first two books and I was beyond excited for Blind Faith. Not gonna lie, I was also a bit apprehensive. Usually, when main characters have a past, they “hate” each other during a good part of the book and then realize, practically at the end, that both are victims, both love each other blah blah blah. But in Blind Faith it was different and I loved it!

Nate/Nathan fell in love with Audrey right away, he saw her and he was done for. But five years ago, she broke his heart by ending things with him and telling him that she only started talking to him because her mother told her to (which is the truth). Her mother being Dr. Madison, the psycho bitch. After escaping with his brothers, he never saw her again. But he did learn that, at the time of the break-up, she was pregnant. And now he needs her, the killing chips are about to explode, and he wants answers. Was she really pregnant? Does he have a child? Did she ever loved him? And, can she help him and his brothers?

The Dean/Gray brothers are simply awesome but Nate, oh man, Nate is everything! He's super protective, selfless, angry, determined. I loved how he was with his brothers, he's ready to die for them, he wants them to be safe and happy. He doesn't care about himself, I'm not saying that's a good thing, but the way he was with them, I could actually feel his love for them, it was beautiful. Nate feels lonely, betrayed, he just needs someone other than his brothers to care about him. I think Nate is my favorite so far.

Audrey is something else. I loved her as well. She's feisty, brave, protective. She is very naive when it comes to her mother but the way it was written, I just couldn't hold it against her. Audrey is like Nathan, she wants someone to love her, someone to see her as more than a tool. She knows her mom is an awful person but she still wants to protect her somehow. It's actually a bit frustrating but it didn't bother me that much.

Together?! Perfect. No lies. The romance was not frustrating at all, it was not too fast nor too slow. Like I said, it didn't take them the entire book to realize that they couldn't live without each other. Their story is a bit more complex than that but Rebecca did a tremendous job with their relationship. I loved the way Nate was with her, he was understanding, patient, sweet. Audrey was just as great. From the start, she only wanted to protect him but she didn't act like a bitch to make him go away. Sure, the situation was a little complicated and they weren't completely truthful with each other right away, which is normal, but it wasn't annoying or too much. I think believable is the word I'm looking for. That's how I felt while reading Blind Faith, their relationship, the way they got back together was believable.

They formed a great couple, Nate is very protective of her, he loves her deeply and I loved them together. I loved how Audrey wasn't afraid of Nate, she wasn't afraid of embarrassing him at times and I loved the fact that big bad-ass Nate could get embarrassed. And if you'd like to know, the sex scenes were hawt!

The plot was good, as usual. In my opinion, you do have to read the first two books to truly understand the story. Sure, you will understand Nate and Audrey, their relationship etc but you won't understand the main plot with the killing chips and the Commander. So yes, the book is full of action, suspense and surprises. You will not be bored and trust me, you'll be surprised! This is such a great series, for those who love a good romantic suspense, like I do, you sure should read the Sin Brothers. You will not be disappointed!

Let's not forget Matt & Laney and Shane & Josie. We don't see them much, especially the women but I just love them! The love between the brothers is so strong, it's beautifully written. And yes, I think it's not a secret anymore since we know a fourth book is on its way but...Jory is alive! I am so very excited to learn more about him, what happened to him and to read his story. Of course, we learn things in Blind Faith but I already said too much. Oh and you will meet a new addition to the Dean/Gray family... two actually! ;)

Total Surrender, I'm waiting for you!