A review by booksnorkel
The Princess Plot by Kirsten Boie


This book was pretty bad. If I had paid full price for this I would have been upset. As it is paying half price for it was too much in my estimation. I will be getting rid of my copy of this book.

A girl who has a super controlling mother goes to a movie audition. She doesn’t do anything except stand there and she’s picked for the part!! She doesn’t question this. Nor does she question the people auditioning her and their need to confiscate her cell phone for like three hours. She also doesn’t question when they say they have to leave for a foreign country that day without her mom. She gets a text from her mom saying that she knows all about the movie and is totally cool with her going… which is super out of character, again not questioned. She doesn’t question the fact that they aren’t doing a movie at all but she is replacing the princess for her birthday celebration. This is one of the dumbest main characters I have read in a while and really it just threw off the entire book. The plot is centered on her being stupid. Also this foreign country is separated by hair color, and the main girl complains so much about how she is not blonde. Like seriously it started giving me a complex, like being a brunette is literally nothing. She is also a little bigger than her friends and constantly mentions it. This book is one of these that seem to only exist to make girls feel bad about themselves and project a heroine who is stupid. I really don’t recommend this book at all but if I had to give it an age range- fifth grade girls who are looking to read a book about a girl who is stupid. Perhaps this is more of a book about being aware of stranger danger, or being more savvy about going with people who claim to be in the movie industry?