A review by romankurys
The Voyage of the Dawn Treader by C.S. Lewis


Overall I feel this book is a very solid 4 stars with a following breakdown. I'm reading this series in a publication order so it was my 3rd Narnia book, and so far my favorite. This was just a pretty damn awesome travelogue with dragons, a magician, dumb creatures, sailing crew...and plenty more adventure along the way.
So far my favorite book of the entire series.

Characters: 3.

So I am still pissed off that Peter and Susan cannot come back to Narnia because they're too old. That's a stupid reason. I don't think I'll be able to get over the Narnia age restrictions until the end of the series. It's just aggravating.
The rest was just as you'd expect. I love the subtle hints of Lewis describing Eustace as annoying and weird and attributes qualities like vegetarian and smart as negatives as to why he's so annoying lol. It's just funny to see Lewis own dislikes shine through in a character. All Eustace need to do is read a "right kinds" of books, and he'll be A-OK!

Plot: 5.

So despite its linear nature and it's simple travelogue style I absolutely loved this adventure, within myself there many times. There is just something about visiting strange places while on the way to your destination that makes it fun. Especially if those places are full of magic :)

Setting: 5.
While similar in essence to the other two books, I enjoyed seeing new places in this story. Paganism references from the previous two books are replaced with magical localities that we go on to explore. A nice change. Aslan and Christian references stand out the strongest to me in this book, possibly because all the paganism is gone. I found that I enjoyed those, even though I see many complained in their reviews. I looked at it like a puzzle, and felt happy when I found a new reference. A nice Easter egg hunt.

Definitely looking forward to Book4 "The Silver Chair"

Roman "Ragnar"