A review by thepeachmartini
The Family Game by Catherine Steadman


The Family Game by Catherine Steadman
Date Read: 11 Sept 2023
⭐️⭐️ 1/2

Welp, that was certainly a book that happened. Why, I’m not sure…and why it has almost a 4 star rating on Goodreads is beyond me. I had to sit with this one a bit before gathering my thoughts because I was having trouble coming to terms with the idiocy.

Harry (Harriet) is utterly useless as the main character. And as someone who writes thrillers, I would have expected her to use her knowledge from writing thrillers to handle things better.

Someone hands you a tape with a murder confession on it…you don’t think twice about making a copy, and you sure as heck don’t ERASE THE 2ND SIDE by mistake.

You are engaged to a man whose family you’ve never met…he keeps telling you how weird they are. He even has been estranged from them for a while. As a thriller writer…doesn’t that throw up some red flags?

And then the family. Oy. It’s super creepy how they emphasize how “hot” the dad is and how she gets hot and bothered by him, even when being with her fiancé. The lengths this family goes to supposedly investigating Harry and her past, and then putting her through hell during their holiday games…it’s just far-fetched and made me pull a muscle rolling my eyes too hard.

Skip it.