A review by pattydsf
The Best American Science Fiction and Fantasy 2016 by John Joseph Adams, Karen Joy Fowler


“I don’t tell him my theory, because he’d just laugh at it, but I believe joy is the only thing stronger than sadness.” Sam J. Miller, “The Heat of Us: Notes Toward an Oral History”

Before I got to college, fantasy and science fiction made up most of my reading. I read all the usual books from that long ago era: Lord of the Rings, Dune, Stranger in Strange Land, etc. Over the years, my speculative reading has continued, but at a lesser pace. There are very few genres I dislike and so there are always too many books to read.

However, when Amazon had a sale on this title, I jumped at the chance. I am glad I did. I liked so many of these stories for themselves and I liked the fact that the collection is a mix of fantasy and science fiction. Since I read both that was no problem.

I was also glad to spend a month in any world but this one. Reality has been really painful since January 20th and for the most part I have wanted to be anywhere but here. Which probably accounts for the way my reading log looks here at Good Reads – books are my great escape.

So I highly recommend this collection. Here you will find twenty interesting stories, written by some highly imaginative people. You will encounter both the future and the past. There are characters in these tales that you will fall in love with and some you might hate. These stories will make you think about new worlds. Even if you are not usually interested in speculative fiction, I suggest you pick this book up. You might be surprised and find some of these tales very enjoyable.