A review by valhecka
Interim Errantry: Three Tales of The Young Wizards by Diane Duane


Oh help I'm crying. Lifeboats is gorgeous. I only saw TFA a week ago. Kit is beautiful. Seeing Nita is beautiful. I am undone.

2021 reread: I only hit up Not On My Patch and Lifeboats this time, but they're both so absolutely fantastic - Lifeboats might be my favorite, stealthily, among the YW canon. It's so very Duane, but it also lets loose a bit: Kit and Ronan and Nita's conversations are so perfectly teenaged, with breathing room for absurdity and a little crudeness. Sex jokes and innuendo of the kind that reaches max amusement around age fifteen, crossed with the kind of fluttery excitement-silliness that comes of being in like (reciprocated) with someone, and it's just - yes, look, a world is ending, but life goes on, and it's as surprising and silly and funny and absurd and beautiful as you can imagine. Or more.