A review by midgereads
The Friday Society by Adrienne Kress

Did not finish book. Stopped at 9%.
I picked up this book because it’s YA steampunk (which is hard to find) but unfortunately it is clearly a product of its time (2012).
There is pick-me behavior on the first page (one of the main characters literally says she was not like most girls) and the modern writing style against the Victorian/steampunk setting was just not working. 
There were also other things that I found problematic like the way racism was vaguely mentioned by saying that a white character was not fond of the “dark races” (like ????), and the implication that a minor (15-16 years old) flirted with older men. 
I really wanted to like this book, but I struggled to keep going without cringing so who knows if I’ll give it a second chance. In the meantime, if anyone is looking for YA steampunk, check out The Inventor’s Secret by Andrea Cremer (now Andrea Robertson) and Etiquette & Espionage by Gail Carriger.