A review by hobbitfreddie
Our Wonderful Days Vol. 3 by Kei Hamuro


I finished the last volume in a day. This whole series felt like a warm hug, just really sweet and cute, cozy slice of life. Though when I bought the volumes year ago (finally got to finishing haha) I thought they were romance. All these years, i thought this would be a romance, I think I filed it with my romance comics too. It is… sorta? It’s more in the background, like a bonus element. And how the romance wraps up here… very odd. Because alot of the volume is SOL so I was thinking “are they even gonna show the romance arc?” They do. But it’s wrapped up very quickly, cute ig? But like idk… I guess the manga is SOL at the end of the day. It just kinda feels like ti wanted to be more than that. With an actual story. This def needed another volume! In fact it seems like the author wanted to do more, the bonus chapter is making fun of how the two teacher side characters barely appear in this issue. So it seems like the author was passionate about the characters. I will say I did like the cast a lot, which is why I was sad to see them go.
Idk the series kinda just ends… so the romance arc concludes, and then there’s a chapter with the girls goofing around IMMEADILTY after which has very little to do with what just happened. The mini chapter which mentions the romance feels idk… really akward and quick.

It’s like oh… you’re girls and in love???? Huh??? Okay nvm that’s cool actually. Also it does interest me that the line between friendship and romance seems so blurred here. Something that I wish was fleshed out more. Minori and I’m sorry I’m blanking on her name share a very close bond and the leads seem confused that they aren’t dating. I just thought that was interesting. Idk cuz everything has to be romantic these days. Don’t get me wrong I love romance, but I thought it was interesting that the two supporting characters had a very close relationship without it being romantic (or maybe it was supposed to be idk?).

My main problems come from this not feeling like a final volume. Idk what happened behind the scenes but it felt like the author was making these and suddenly realized they only had two chapters left. I mean it ends during summer break that usually feels like the middle section for school manga. Anyways yeah very cute and sweet volume, I think the second volume was best but… idk. Just I wish there was more I want to learn more about these characters! They were so fleshed out in the second volume. It was really just random SOL stuff in this. I have such mixed feelings.
Did I hate this? Absolutely not! But I do think it has a bit of flaws that hold it back. Like I loved the dream chapter! More stuff like that! Where was that?