A review by alibrareads
The Candle and the Flame by Nafiza Azad



This started off really promising, with very rich and colorful worldbuilding. Then once the beauty of that wore off… This book had a whole lot of nothing happening. The “romance” was forced and contrived. The plot thread surrounding the rebels who want the Ifrit gone was just floating around in the breeze and not doing anything interesting.

The main purpose of the book is following Fatima as she changes and grows and deals with a couple new challenges… And yet I also don’t know who this book is for because I don’t see the point of it? There were a lot of singular elements and characters here and there that were interesting, but nothing really came together or amounted to much. Things did happen at the end, but it wasn’t a particularly satisfying ending to me.

I really enjoyed the author’s book The Wild Ones, which has similarities in the slice of life flavor, and I would recommend that over this. Both have strong women, diversity, and themes of grief, but this was a much less impactful story than that one was.