A review by reeyabeegale
Whiteout by Adriana Anders


It's been so long since I last read a thriller book, and I was so excited when I got recommended this because it's a romance-thriller.

Thriller-wise, it was awesome. There's nothing more exciting than political conspiracies, I find them often than not mind-blowing especially when done well and this book delivered exactly that. It was an aspect I highly looked forward to, I kept guessing on what the bigger picture is behind everything that happened.

The romance aspect was also really good! It made me swoon a lot of times, though it was a bit uncomfortable given their situation but it was definitely a one-of-a-kind experience, knowing not a lot of books have similar set-ups.

Now, what disappointed me (which mostly happened for the books I've read this year) is the length. I don't mind reading long books, but it takes a lot for me to focus because I try to find new books to read everyday and seeing all the interesting synopsis is too tempting. I almost stopped this book but I knew that if I did, I would've never finished it. So even if it was a good book in general and it delivered on all its promises, it wasn't something that had a hold on me. I felt that this book dragged out a bit much, it could've shed a few pages less and still provide the same story line.

And also, I got put off a few times with the scenes in Antartica that I couldn't picture. I mean, I've never been there and the country I live in doesn't resemble anything close to it so it was very hard to imagine the landscape. I struggled most during the hideout in the crevasse (which by the way, I had to search what it looked like) because I knew it was supposed to make me nervous for everything that's happening but all it made me feel was confused and wanting to catch up on how the setting is. So I guess, that was just another thing why the book couldn't hold all my attention, because the setting (Antartica), though beautiful, is something I couldn't imagine especially growing up in a tropical country.

I am looking forward to reading the sequel, and knowing more about the conspiracy of it all. I recommend this book for readers who would love to read about a thriller in isolation, and who love outdoors because you'd appreciate the landscape the author used in the book.