A review by reading_addict_lemon
Maxine Wore Black by Nora Olsen


This book was interesting and I liked the idea of mixing two ideas: a mystery/thriller and a glbt relathionship.

I was kind of skeptical when I started reading it, because I'm a huge thrillers fan and everythime I want to find a good one, to be surprised, and I'm happy to say that this was a pretty good one. It wasn't the best mystery/thriller that I've ever read, but it kept me enertained and interested. I really liked when things started getting a litle more action packed and the suspense and adrenaline were everyehere. Because sometimes I get really bored at the beginning of thrillers when everything is peaceful and happy.

The characters were nice sketched and I liked all the little relationships between them; it was interesting to see them and think what each one could do or think. Plus I didn't see that end and I'm happy, I mean I wanted to see it, but I enjoy a book more when I'm caught off guard.

I won't talk more because I'm afraid I might spoil something, so if you want a YA thriller/mystery then try this. Or if you like a glbt novel with a little darker part.

!Received through NetGalley!