A review by adavila97
The Darkest Minds by Alexandra Bracken


OMG!!! This, this book right here, has to be one of the best I've read in a long while. It was so amazing.

This book starts with us meeting 10 year old Ruby. On the morning of her birthday her parents go ballistic and send her to Thurmond, a camp made to help "reform" children. This program is for all the children who did not die before the age of ten. Yes, you read that correctly. A disease swept the nation wiping out children before the age of ten, so if you survived, people weren't happy, they were petrified. Anyone who survived the disease is different, they have powers they can control with their minds. Ruby learns this the hard way and realizes she is one of the most dangerous ones. She hides this fact for 6 years but someone finds out and she barely escapes with her life. Now, she's on the run and doesn't know who to trust or believe. That's when she finds a group of kids looking for the safe haven, East River. She joins up with them but East River isn't what it seems and sometimes you just can't outrun your destiny.

The characters in this book are written very well. We watch Ruby struggle to trust and let people in to help her. We watch her grow and make decisions that are just downright heartbreaking, but she has to make them to help everyone. Liam is just the right amount of swoon too. He takes an interest in Ruby early in the book and just wants to get to know her little by little. But, trust me when I say that the ending of this book leaves me heartbroken for Liam. The other characters, Zu and Chubs, make great additions to the team as well. Everyone added something a little different and unique. The villains are written perfectly as well. They are crafted so well and you hate them oh, so much.

This book was flat out phenomenal. The plot, the characters, everything. It was so unique and a great new kind of dystopian. I recommend this for anyone in the mood to read a great dystopian book. Although, I must note that the ending leaves your heart sore. You know what Ruby is going to do but you pray and hope she doesn't. It's just sad and leaves a ginormous cliffhanger. So, maybe read this when Never Fade is already out so you're not anxiously waiting for the continuation.