A review by eneasen
Year One by Nora Roberts


The world is descending into apocalypse, an inherently fascinating concept. Initially, this book intrigued me because the setup is grand and opens up so many interesting possibilities. As we go on the paths are not explored to their potential, and so I’m left deflated.

In short, it’s a bit simple. The world is quickly divided into good and bad, virtually without nuance. The same goes for the characters who are either of the light or of the dark, that being the extent of their personalities. A big theme seems to be hatred of the “other”, fitting our zeitgeist. Sadly, this isn’t explored beyond the evil portion of people blindly hating and using a lot of profanity.

The book sets up major questions that are never answered. Why did the apocalypse happen, besides a random bird being shot? Why do some people have powers and other not? From where spawns evil and good, now that they are so clear cut?
There are lots of books in this series, maybe the questions are answered eventually. I won’t continue reading them to find out.