A review by samwlabb
Offsetting Penalties by Ally Mathews


Well, this book put a smile on my face.

I utterly love when a romance forms between an unlikely pair, and when I saw football and ballet thrown into the mix, I knew I wanted to read this book. I am happy to report, it did not disappoint!

•Pro: Izzy was full of spunk and sass and I really admired her determination to make this one dream happen without her father's influence or money.

•Pro: Garret was the type of hero I love. He did so many things right until he did something wrong, but he really did a lot of things right, and I loved him for all those things.

•Pro: I liked that Mathews gave Izzy's dad some dimension. I thought he was going to be a villain, but then he did some things and said some things that showed me there was more to him than met the eye.

•Pro: I am a fan of books featuring family dynamics, and we get to see inside both Izzy and Garret's families.

•Pro: There are actual peeks at football and ballet in this book, and I am a fan of sports romances having some sports in them.

•Pro: The romance was very sweet between these two. I loved the build, and their mutual thoughts made me grin.

•Pro: I can never say no to a fauxmance romance.

•Pro: Both Izzy and Garret were reaching for their stars, and it was quite touching how they wanted to help each other get there. They didn't have a ton of support from their fathers, so it was even more important that they had each other.

•Pro: Izzy loved one of my favorite bands of all time - The Cure! That made me a little nostalgic, and who doesn't love a does of nostalgia every once in a while.

•Pro: The ending made me very happy. I love endings that point my couple towards a future, and an epilogue will always land in the positive column for me.

Overall: An adorable, feel-good romance, which made me laugh, smile, and swoon.

*I would like to thank the publisher for the advanced copy of this book