A review by curlypip
The Last Garden in England by Julia Kelly


From the blurb on the back cover, I was really looking forward to reading this, and waited 5 months to get it on loan from my library! Perhaps such a long wait made my expectations creep higher than was necessary...
It’s a good book, well written and combines my love of gardening and historic homes and novels about multiple generations of the same family. There’s a lot of good things to enjoy.
However.... there were so many characters that we didn’t really get to know them well enough, and some of the romances were a little clichéd for my liking. It took a while to get going, and the first few chapters of a multi-viewpoint novel are always hard, as you figure out who’s who. It’s easy to connect with the main female characters, Venetia, Diana and Emma, but I wanted more from them.
Overall, a solid 3 stars