A review by cec_loves_to_read_books
The Little Wave by Pip Harry


I’m so, so late to the party on this one (it won the CBCA Younger Readers Book of The Year awards in 2020)! But that’s what I love about books whether you read them as a new release or down the track if they’re good, they’re good and this one is great!

It’s no secret I have a massive soft spot for verse novels and especially those written for middle grade readers. I think the format lends itself to exploring complex issues in subtle and relatable ways without overwhelming kids.

The Little Wave by Pip Harry is a shining example of the best kind of Aussie verse novel - a cracking story, three loveable main characters, painful problems dealt with compassion…the list goes on.

Just read it and you’ll see what I mean. Share with all the middle grade readers in your life too. Books like this need to be seen and read, far and wide.