A review by alissabar
Precious Bane by Mary Webb


While reading this book I couldn't help but think of Hardy's [b:Far From the Madding Crowd|31463|Far From the Madding Crowd|Thomas Hardy|https://i.gr-assets.com/images/S/compressed.photo.goodreads.com/books/1388279695l/31463._SY75_.jpg|914540], but I think I liked this one better. It was a little hard to understand at first. There were words I'd never heard of and the dialect they spoke in took some getting used to. There are beautiful descriptions of nature and it gives the reader a look at what a farmer's life is like during this time period. Overall most of the story is pretty sad, but Prue's part in it was its saving grace. She is strong and kind despite her deformity. I would have loved to have seen more interaction with her and Kester.

2019 Popsugar Reading Challenge: #9 A book you meant to read in 2018