A review by books_ergo_sum
The Duchess War by Courtney Milan



I loved this book so much!!

I can’t decide what I loved more: these characters or their 1860s era socialism.

Is this just Courtney Milan’s thing? She writes compelling character arcs? Because both these characters—our strategic, kinda ruthless, chess master with a secret identity heroine and our sweet idealist, smart (but so dumb) hero—had my heart.

This book gave me a super specific feeling, and I want to know if you’ve ever experienced it too? It’s this “I can’t wait to read the Author’s Note” feeling.

Because it was clear while reading that so much thought had been put into this 1860s era British socialism (and Darwinism, medical innovations, chess, etc) and I couldn’t wait for the Author’s Note to give me a peak into the process.

From the workers’ rights handbills to the chess strategy, this book tickled my brain. And from the on-page falling for each other to the “if anything happens, I’ll marry you myself,” this book squeezed my heart to bits.

It was perfect.