A review by staystitchy
The Fury by Alex Michaelides


Thank you to Celadon Books for sending me an advanced reading copy of THE FURY by Alex Michaelides. This one publishes January 16.

This was my most anticipated ARC on my shelf and I thought it was a great way to start out the new year. I lost my mind multiple times over Michaelides' THE SILENT PATIENT, I thought THE MAIDENS was okay and THE FURY well, it was good. I think my main problem is that nothing will surpass THE SILENT PATIENT and every time I get my sweaty little hands on a new Michaelides book, I'm hoping for that same rush. I'm here to tell you it hasn't happened yet. Also, if you haven't read TSP or THE MAIDENS, don't start with THE FURY because it does contain some spoilers.

Overall, this book is good. It contains lots of exciting theatre person details which I ate up. The characters are unlikable but not in an icky I can't read this way. The pacing is strong and I never felt like I didn't want to read it but the ending just didn't hit like I wanted it to. Overall I was thoroughly entertained and will still be anxiously awaiting the next Michaelides book.