A review by elevetha
Winterling by Sarah Prineas


I lost my review previously because it didn't save properly so this is a re do.

Underdeveloped characters and unanswered questions abounded but as there will be a sequel I am hoping that my questions will be answered in the next book.
Fer felt like she wanted to be a strong awesome character but never quite accomplished that goal. I never felt that I got to know her as my main character. She needed more personality. I liked Rook\Robin but I needed backstory. PLEASE, I BEG OF THEE, PRINEAS. GIVE ME BACKSTORY.
And Phouka!! Him too. Give him backstory. I just know that those two tricksy boys have awesome stories to be told.

I was truly gleeful when I realized that though Fer is a changeling girl from another world, [b:Winterling|11594289|Winterling (Winterling, #1)|Sarah Prineas|https://d202m5krfqbpi5.cloudfront.net/books/1377967120s/11594289.jpg|14278755] was not just a re-hash of Titania\Oberon's illegitimate\legitimate daughter child. Yay! Thank you, Sarah!

What was up with the magic stick of green spring that showed up near the end of the book? Odd.

I am awaiting my sequel of [b:The Summerkin|9755855|Summerkin (Winterling, #2)|Sarah Prineas|https://d202m5krfqbpi5.cloudfront.net/books/1350583061s/9755855.jpg|14645141] of 2013.