A review by thebookflicker
I've Never Been (Un)Happier by Shaheen Bhatt


 "I remind myself if happiness is fleeting, then so is sadness.
I remind myself depression is the weather, and I'm a weather-worn tree.
I remind myself even the worst storms pass.
I remind myself I've survived them all."

"Monsters like depression live in the dark, and the way to turn on the light, is by talking about it."

--Shaheen Bhatt

I've never been (un)happier is a memoir written by Shaheen Bhatt. She talks about her struggles & living with depression in her privileged circumstances. She talks about her coming to terms with it & her trying to overcome it the best way she could. Through the book she wanted the world to learn a bit about depression & mental health & how it's completely okay to acknowledge it even if you are not suffering from it. She tries to break stigma about mental health.

The language of the book is simple but impactful. I honestly learned a lot after reading the book. There were few moments where I cried and few moments which made me smile too( Honestly i don't cry easily while reading even though i am extremely emotional) 

First thing & most imp thing I learned from the book is ACCEPTANCE. It is really important as acceptance will give you the strength to overcome anything in your life. There were few moments from her life i could even relate and i am sure a lot of us would relate even if not suffering from depression. 

Another thing which is equally imp which the author tried to convey is to talk about how one is feeling.. 

I would definitely recommend this book to everyone. It is a short & simple read but impactful. I will try to read more books about mental health