A review by haletostilinski1
Powerless by S.A. McAuley


So. Fucking. GOOD!

While the second book felt like a transitional book between the main action, more like setting it up, although making necessary building blocks in Merq and Armise's relationship, this one got back to the main action, and it was a doozy.

It hurts, what Merq goes through in this. What Armise goes through too, although it seems like he leaves Merq and betrays him. But this is ultimately their love story, so that isn't truly the case.

Doesn't mean it isn't damn painful and as if Merq and us aren't worried and lose our faith in Armise a little - well for Merq, it was a lot. We almost get back to book one when they were mortal enemies, but it was different this time, because there a lot pain behind Merq's anger and "hate" and a lot more feelings this time around.
SpoilerAlso we go through a long time in this book where they're separated. It's painful.

The action almost immediately picks up from the second book in this. Merq and Armise get back to protect the president, but there are still SO many things left unsaid between Merq and Armise, something that Merq knows Armise is hiding, and when their bunker is attacked, it all goes to shit.

Merq's unwavering trust in Armise was taken away in this. Now Armise has to earn it back, because while he didn't actually betray Merq, he was an idiot, in my opinion, for not talking to Merq about, for shutting him out. He had good reasons, yeah, but he needs to trust Merq as much as he wants Merq to trust him. There are still barriers he needs to learn to let down when it comes to Merq - although less than Merq, still...I think unnecessary pain happened between these two because Armise shut Merq out. Or at least, a worse, different kind of pain - because Merq might not have believed Armise, might have fought it, and maybe Armise would have ended up
anyway, but Merq would have at least known why, even if he didn't believe it.

These two have gotten SO far from that first book, and their obvious love and passion for each other (even though Merq won't admit it! At least out loud!) was at an all time high, the intensity was crazy good, but they still aren't quite there yet, to that full trust and love that they both desperately want - that Armise, I think, needs to learn how to have, even though he freely admits he wants it, he still has to learn how to work for it and keep it, and that Merq is terrified of having, and I think he always has been, but after the pain and hurt in this book, I think he is even more so.

It's like his feelings for Armise have evolved so much, that I think he really is all the way in love with him now, it's evident in the books, but he's regressed back to not being able to even think or say the word 'love' because of what happened. But it's all about fear now, when before I think it was part fear, but mainly because he thought he could never have it, not in the world they lived in or with who he was, as a soldier first and foremost.

But now he totally has it with Armise, it's as clear as day -
Spoileras evidenced by him not letting Neveed touch him or go further, because yeah, that almost happens, but thankfully nothing more than a kiss and touching happens (that is, his legs and stomach such, not his dick thankfully) before he stops it and says he won't do it. He's not Armise, and all he wants is Armise, even after his seeming betrayal
- but they're both pretty fucked up from their shitty lives of constant war, basically, that they haven't quite gotten to a place where they communicate well or be all the way in and trusting each other completely. Steps still need to be taken for them to be all the way there.

And I cannot wait to read more. This story is so engaging, and Armise and Merq are so fucking great together - their chemistry is scorching and their love for each other is so amazing, I just...AHH! I'm loving these two and this wild, crazy, entertaining story.

It's totally sucked me in, and I SO recommend it. Now I'm off to read the 4th book because I need more Armise and Merq in my life, and to find out what happens next! AH :D