A review by blaarrosir
Homo by Michael Harris


It was really difficult for me to decide whether to give this book 3 or 4 stars. There were parts I truly liked and parts I didn't. I loved Will's family dynamic and how he viewed them. It seemed so real and relatable. I liked his first attempts at dating and how he handled it. I didn't like Julie. She seemed to be there just so there was someone to rain on Will's parade. They were supposedly best friends but she never acted the part. It was also very unclear how the entire school came to find out Will was gay. The back cover description says his best friend outed him on Facebook but that was never said in the book itself. Background characters made overheard comments about a video but that was never elaborated on, either. The ending also didn't mesh and was unrealistic. It's been months and Riley and his friends just welcome Will back like he never left? Sure. While there were positives and negatives enough was positive that is be interested in reading more books by the author.