A review by vkemp
A Tine to Live, A Tine to Die by Edith Maxwell


Cameron Flaherty left her cubicle lifestyle as a computer programmer to run her great-uncle's farm in rural Connecticut. She wants to go all organic, no pesticides. She joins a locavore group, sells at a local farmer's market and provides produce for a local restaurant. She did not count on discovering her handyman dead in her greenhouse, with a pitchfork through his neck. Since Cameron had just fired Mike Montgomery for trying to use a pesticide, she is the prime suspect. However, another suspect soon emerges, Cameron's friend and one of her most loyal volunteers, Lucinda DaSilva, is arrested. Cameron knows Lucinda is incapable of murdering anyone, but her status as an undocumented immigrant makes her suspicious in the eyes of local law enforcement. Not to mention the local Patriots' Militia, who is always looking to blame immigrants for everything. There are a lot of balls for Cameron to juggle as she tries to keep her farm running and uncover the real murderer. A very enjoyable debut for a new cozy series.