A review by nicolemhewitt
Split Second by Kasie West


This review and many others can be found on my blog - Feed Your Fiction Addiction

4.5/5 Stars

I was surprised (and actually a little worried) when I read the back of this book (which wasn’t as detailed as the actual blurb) – it sounded like it would focus on Laila instead of on Addie. But my fears were unfounded. The book actually switched back and forth between Laila’s and Addie’s POVs, so we got to learn a lot more about Laila while, at the same time, her story was entwined with Addie’s. This turned out to be perfect!


Laila and Connor.
In this book we got to see a lot more about what makes Laila tick – why she holds herself aloof and uses boys to get what she wants without connecting with them. I thought that the relationship between Laila and Connor was well-developed. You could see a connection between them right away, even though they both shielded themselves with snarkiness and an air of indifference. I loved seeing that connection deepen into something more. Laila’s vulnerability started showing – something that she hated. And Connor was just the right mix of bad boy with a heart of gold (meaning, he had a bit of an edge, but he wasn’t a jerk!).

The plot and pacing.
I don’t want to say too much about the plot, because I don’t want to give anything away. But I will say that Addie starts discovering that her powers are transforming and that Laila wants her powers to transform. All the while, (as is said in the synopsis) there are powerful people who don’t want that to happen. Laila and Addie don’t know who to trust and they have to be careful. There was plenty of intrigue in this book and the pacing was spot-on. There was enough action to keep it interesting, while keeping the focus on character growth. I often found myself wondering what was going to happen next!

The twist.
There was a twist at the end of the book that I definitely didn’t see coming – at least not in the way that it happened. The twist was a game-changer, and made for a heart-racing finish to the book!

The negatives:

Trevor and Addie.
Because half the focus was on Laila in this book, I felt like things were resolved a little bit too quickly between Trevor and Addie. The romance between Trevor and Addie just wasn’t a huge part of the plot in this one. In some ways, this made sense because we already had so much focus on their relationship in the first book, but I just would have liked to see a little bit more of Trevor and Addie’s re-blossoming relationship.

If you haven’t read this series yet, and you’re a fan of YA paranormal, I’d definitely recommend it! Split Second was a fantastic finish to the story. If you were a fan of the first book in the series, I’m sure you’ll enjoy how West wraps things up in this one! I give it 4.5/5 stars.