A review by kairosdreaming
The Husband Tree by Mary Connealy


The Husband Tree is the 2nd book in Mary Connealy's Montana Marriages series. That being said you don't have to read the series in order. Sure it will help with some little things, but it doesn't effect the overall enjoyment of the series.

Belle Tanner has been quite a few husbands, and after burying the last one she vows no more. Even her daughters agree they've all been worthless. They can handle the ranch all by themselves. Silas Harden feels the same way about women. Too many wiles and they just are up to no good. So he feels pretty safe helping Belle herd a bunch of cows to sale across a treacherous path with just her daughters for help. But when some other folks come along to help they must put up a guise that they are married to keep Belle and her daughters safe. And they discover they like the playacting a little too much.

Belles a great character. She's strong and vibrant and doesn't take crap from anybody. Although I do think she weakens a bit towards the end. Silas is quite moody but still a good guy all around. The daughters are probably the best though. They're kind of inspiring with how tough and go-to they are. I do have to say that I didn't like Wade though. He appears in the third book as well (which was my least favorite of the series) and he just seems kind of whiny in this book.

The plot was nice. A tough cattle drive run by women. My kind of action anyway. And the romance was quite nice as well. Really the only thing I didn't like was the side plot with Wade and Glowing Sun. It just didn't mesh well with the rest of the book. This is a Christian fiction book, but unlike some of the author's other books, it doesn't come into play as much. God is mentioned here and there but it isn't an overt storytelling or preachy.

A pretty decent book. Not as good as the first but still well done.

The Husband Tree
Copyright 2010
315 pages

Review by M. Reynard 2011

More of my reviews can be found at www.ifithaswords.blogspot.com .