A review by kazuchuu
I Wish You All the Best by Mason Deaver


"Whatever happens"—his grip tightens a little—"I wish you all the best, Benjamin De Backer." He says it with a smile. "You deserve it."

Wow. Just- wow. I so regret not picking this book up earlier.
There's so much to love about this novel. There's just so much. There is, most obviously, the wonderful representation Deaver's written: non-binary characters (one of whom is a Muslim!), and the representation of people with anxiety and depression. It's so clear that Deaver did their research and I felt this strange sort of happiness that just kept growing and growing every time the characters grew a little more with each trial. I loved Ben from the very start and I have decided that I will protect them with my life. Same goes for Nathan. And Meleika. And Sophie. And Mariam. And—you get the idea.
There's also the wonderful writing! Deaver has this talent for really drawing you into the story, and if that's not something to love I don't know what is. I'm so, so glad they decided to share this story with the world. I connected with the characters in a way that probably shouldn't be possible, and I now understand so much more about what it's like to be non-binary. This book is really, really good if you want to learn more about that.

So. Basically. I want to erase my memory of reading this book so I can read it again and experience the same emotional rollercoaster that I did the first time. And I want to hug the characters to death because they deserve the world. Thank you for coming to my TED talk.
