A review by coffeebooksorme
Ever the Brave by Erin Summerill


I am...disappointed with this book. Considering this was the finale of the duology, I felt like it was very lackluster in its execution. I can't recall if the 1st book had multiple POVs or not (it's been a year) but this one did and I was a tad bit irked by this. In addition to Britta's POV, we have Cohen (love interest #1) and Aorden (King of Malam and love interest #2), and to me, it felt as if the two guys had more page time than Britta did despite it being her book. I'm assuming Erin did this because there's a possibility of more books for other characters but IDK and frankly, I honestly don't care. I don't think this book necessarily needed extra POVs.

Most of Aorden's POV consisted of him lamenting how horrible a leader he was in the previous book, mooning over Britta (because we totally needed a love triangle shoe-horned into the book), and bragging about how much of an expert swordsman he is. Seriously, ever time he got into a sword fight he had an inner thought about how much better he was than his opponent.

Cohen's POV pretty much compared Britta to every female he met. I swear, if I had a dollar for every time he compared Lirra and Britta, I'd have enough money to buy an extra copy of this book to burn and still have some left over to buy a cup of coffee. It was extremely annoying and just...unnecessary.

This new love triangle was also unnecessary and downright annoying, to be honest. There was absolutely NO REASON to have it in there other than to kick up relationship drama between Britta/Cohen and to really give a reason for Aorden to have his own POV. THAT'S IT! There was no reasoning behind having this love triangle. It was pointless, stupid, and quite frankly just made me roll my eyes because it kinda made me feel as if Erin was trying to show that every dude that came into contact with Britta just had to love her. SIGH.

Considering the book was the finale, the good bits didn't really start until after 200 pages in. The first half of the book was practically filler and super boring. We get to meet Britta's mother who is Phelia (the big bad Spiriter from book 1) but there really wasn't any action between her and Britta. We get a bit of backstory but barely anything more than what we had already heard about Britta's mother. There's a fight scene at the end but it wasn't as big of a finale as I expected for a last book. Like, when I read the epic finale of a duology/series I expect a huge, epic, in your face OHMYGOD DID THAT JUST HAPPEN finale. Not so much here. What was there was good but I honestly expected more.

The book was alright but like I said, I'm very disappointed with how it was executed, the needless bits thrown in, and the lackluster ending. It could've definitely been better.