A review by hannahfyed
Calling on Dragons by Patricia C. Wrede


By now I am stubbornly rage-listening to all the books to finish the series. The repetitiveness of Telemain's technical magic explanations with Morwen's translations became very tiring. There continues to not be much satisfying information about what exactly the wizards are up to, and all the build-up to Arona Michelear Grinogian Vamist's appearance didn't amount to anything substantial. We've known Zemenar from book #1, but we don't get to witness his death, only hear it secondhand. The book ends on a cliffhanger, and I can't believe the solution is to actually wait 16 years for Cimorene and Mendenbar's son to grow up and save Mendenbar. However, the worst part of Calling on Dragons was the rabbit-turned-flying blue donkey Killer. He is like Jar Jar Binks: stupid, foolhardy, and annoying. The couple of things I did enjoy were Morwen's narration and her cats.