A review by ashleyanreads
Scored by Lili Valente


All her life, Evie has not only been very protected by her older brother but also the neighbor boy, Ian. Evie and Ian have been friends since she was little.

Evie and her friends, who might I say all have their unique personalities, ask Ian for help in the love lives as they seem to be lacking. Ian agrees to help and takes this very serious. Serious to the point he gets books to read up on. What throws him for a loop is when Evie approaches him and askes Ian to take her virginity.

Ian, is truly a genuine human being and who has only ever seen Evie as his little sister and his best friends little sister, is unsure how to answer her and unsure of where these feelings are coming from that are beyond a brother sister relationship. At first, he seems a little hesitant to to assist with the task but at the end agrees.

Evie is smart, sweet and at times shy, but once she realizes she wants Ian to be the one to take her V-card, she come out of her shell with him. Ian, is a very humble man with morals. The chemistry them seemed easy because they have had years of friendship with them. This book is sweet with steam! I always love a good read with side characters as well and they didn't disappoint.