A review by valeehill
Claim Me by J. Kenner


It is said that good things come to those who wait. When you're a reader waiting for THE next book the wait can feel interminable. When that next book is not only good but exceeds all those anticipatory feelings you've held onto FOREVER...it's BLISSFUL! Such is the case with the second book in the Stark Trilogy by J. Kenner. I devoured the first book, [b:Release Me|15799166|Release Me (Stark Trilogy, #1)|J. Kenner|https://images.gr-assets.com/books/1390878363s/15799166.jpg|21522131], in January, and, at that time, thought I would have to wait until July to read Claim Me. Then...relief. The release date was moved up to April 23. Hallelujah! But, still, FOUR MONTHS?! I had to wait FOUR WHOLE MONTHS! It.Was.So.Worth.It! ::::::squee::::::

You may find my entire review here: https://valeehill.blogspot.com/2013/04/book-review-claim-me-by-j-kenner.html