A review by paperbackmo
Hostage by Guy Delisle


Based on the true story of Christophe André, a French humanitarian worker who was kidnapped in 1997 while working for Doctors Without Borders.
The book provides a unique perspective on the harrowing experience of being held captive for three months in a small room, blindfolded and chained to a radiator.

The story is told through simple, yet powerful illustrations that capture the intense emotions and psychological toll of captivity. The reader is transported into André's mind, feeling the weight of loneliness, fear, and uncertainty. The small details in the illustrations, such as the ticking clock and the changing light, add to the atmosphere of the story.

I thought it was a poignant and thought-provoking read that highlights the resilience of the human spirit in the face of extreme adversity. The book is a testament to the power of storytelling and the importance of empathy and understanding in our interconnected world.