A review by phoebe_the_titan_of_prophecy
Red Queen by Victoria Aveyard


this book was.... meh. not a lot happened when i read the back i was like oh cool magical families and social hierarchy this seems like the book for me. it was not. her sister got her hand broken cause she stole, and mares like" oh my gosh she lost her job because of ME" when she did nothing. also story wise, i liked the story except i have a thing against female protagonists like alina starknov and bella swan. also the author was so original with the story. oh my gosh a oppressed person finds herself in a place of power, who knew?
favorite character. Evangeline i'm sorry i just thought she was cool. i know shes supposed to be the mean catty girl(the regina george, if you will) but i just love her. second favorite character. maven. this dude deserves some love (spoiler) even though he betrayed everyone and was evil i personally thought he was a better love interest than Cal. Cal where do i start this man was the epitome of cliche YA fantasy love interest he had no personality, no character, and can control fire just come on. this was why i preferred maven because at least he was interesting and had some backstory.
worldbuilding. so gave me ketterdam meets district 12 we were not given a lot but, the world is at war and the red blooded people are fighting but the slivers are chilling anyone getting hunger games vibes?
overall, i would reccomend this to someone who has not read a lot of fantasy because they wouldnt catch the mistakes