A review by j_action
The Cerulean by Amy Ewing


I wont lie, I did pick up this book because of the cover. I needed an audiobook to listen too on the drive to a work conference. While I will say that the ebook was done well, the story wasn't what I expected.

The premise of an entire society of women sounded intriguing, but the way it was done was strange. Each family consisted of an orange, purple and green mother (a triad). Each mother was responsible for a different aspect of raising their daughter; orange for prayer, purple for emotional and green for education. Alright - I could get behind that. The part that threw me a little bit was the fact that the MC was somehow STRAIGHT in a society that didn't have men at all. And it wasn't a slow discovery, she decided she loved men once she saw her first man on Kaolin after she was kidnapped by a man. I don't know about you, but attraction would not be the first thing on my mind.

Once Sera is on the planet below (which is never actually named), most of the story jumps between four perspectives: Sera, Leela, Agnus and Leo. The story continues both in Kaolin and the "City in the Sky". What an original name!

There are some interesting parts that did make me want to finish the book, but once I got to the end I noticed that nothing big had really happened. I think the biggest reason why I finished this book was because I didn't have any other audiobooks downloaded.

Note to self while travelling: Download more than one audiobook... just in case.