A review by nightshade_novels
The Deacon of Wounds by David Annandale


I love a Warhammer horror story, they're always a good read. This one was no exception.

At the start I wasn't really sure where it was going but, as I know what Warhammer horror books are usually like, I was happy to stick with it. My persistence was paid off as this story quickly descended from and planet in drought to something dark and eventually horrifying.

Ambrose is an interesting character. He tries so hard to do what is right and help everyone in the city. Yet in the pursuit of such good aims it all goes so horribly wrong. What starts as a couple of hard, but necessary, decisions soon descends into a sort of single minded madness.

The plague was suitably creepy and the descriptions wonderfully vivid. I don't think it really needed the alien aspect to the plague though, it would have worked just as well as an ordinary illness in my opinion. Although it would have been a bit less creepy, so it worked for the vibe they were going for.

The world building and character creation were both done really well. I felt fully immersed in the story and all the characters felt fully formed, even those with smaller roles.

Overall this story was just what I'd expect from a Warhammer horror - there are no happy endings here - and it was delivered well. I can't wait for the next one.