A review by richardiporter
The Communist Manifesto and Other Writings by Martin Puchner, Karl Marx, Friedrich Engels


It's no wealth of nations....
Who should read it? Students of history, philosophy, economics.
Primarily a book on philosophy secondarily history and only thirdly on economics.
Observes dynamics of power and oppression. Notes the oppressed often denied the rights liberties and privileges that the opponents of communism accuse them of trying to deny to all (family, choice, ownership etc.)
This book definitely lacks the rigor of The Wealth of Nations (also the excessive and unnecessary logs of grain prices and other commodities over time.) But the lack of rigor and surfeit of opinion makes it hard to take seriously, especially with the awful application and real world demonstrations of failures of the ideas.
2 Star reviews mean I did not like this book. If you liked it I may not understand fully but I won’t put much into arguing about it unless you want to.