A review by morethanthepages
You're on an Airplane: A Self-Mythologizing Memoir by Parker Posey


This just was not for me. The premise is that you're sitting next to Parker Posey on a plane while she talks about herself or those she's met in her life in a completely uninteresting way. Reading it as if you get stuck next to a person on a plane who is so into themselves and you can't find a polite way to ask them to stop talking or you want to try to subtly put your headphones in to make it clear you don't want to listen to them talk about themselves.

I had a teacher once who made us read a memoir she knew to be terrible. And it was. The point behind her doing that was to make it clear we all can write a memoir, but we don't all need to. This was the case. And not that the writing was that great either. It was scattered thinking and there didn't seem to be any structure, not to mention it rambled on and on and on. But maybe that was the point because from what I gather that seems to be her personality as well...