A review by kcmmp13
Shade Me by Jennifer Brown


I was really drawn into the mystery of this book. I loved all the twists and turns it took me through. While reading, you're always second-guessing who-dun-it. Some of the mysteries I was able to figure out before being told and I really enjoy that while reading books. They aren't blatantly obvious things, but pieces of the puzzle you'd get if you really put everything together. Another aspect of the book I enjoyed was Nikki's synesthesia, being able to associate colors with things (words, numbers, emotions, etc.). It really brought a whole new aspect to the story. The reader is able to understand why Nikki makes the conclusions about clues and people that she does.

The characters vary in personality and age, but they all have secrets. I really enjoyed the main character Nikki Kill. I like how strong and fearless she was. While sometimes I wished she used her head a bit more in situations, she kicked butt and took names. I also liked reading about Peyton's backstory and her family dynamics. Detective Martinez was also an interesting character. I thought there was more to his backstory then was revealed. Maybe if there's a second book we'll find out if there is.

I hope everyone that reads this book enjoys it like I did. I read it in less than a week, which is odd for me, but it caught me hook, line, and sinker.