A review by laflormorada
Angelfire by Courtney Allison Moulton


Ellie is your average rich girl teen. She's pretty in a waiflike way, has a close-knit group of friends, and likes to party and watch movies. Her life isn't perfect though. With her parent's constant fighting and her slipping grades, things could be better. To make matters worse, her horrific nightmares are feeling more realistic with every passing day.

Then one night, one of her favorite teachers is mysteriously and brutally murdered, and it seems life for Ellie will never be the same again. Enter Will: a strange but incredibly hot older boy who has an intense and sudden interest in her well being. It feels like she has known him for centuries, but how is that possible? What secrets is he hiding from her? More importantly, what secrets is she hiding from herself?

Angelfire is the first book in this paranormal romance series. The plot is very similar to the Mortal Instruments books by Cassandra Clare but with more religious lore. I really appreciated the fact that there isn't a dramatic love triangle and that Will and Ellie mostly communicate about their love interest as opposed to brooding about it. The action flows pretty well and I was never bored, however, the ending did seem a little far fetched. I'm interested to see how this story will develop though, so I'll have to read the next book for sure!
(Recommended for teens who like fantasy, fast-paced action, and romance)