A review by iamrainbou
Cinnamon Blade: Knife in Shining Armor by Shira Glassman


Cinnamon Blade is a full-time superhero, fighting vampires and aliens, rescuing civilians and having her friends, and teammates, back. But she can't ignore the share attraction between her and Soledad Castillo. Can they have a nice and quiet date, like everyone else?

This a pretty short but super fun read. I love superheroes, I love found families storylines, I love characters who used to be more like antiheroes but they redeem. And for above everything else, I love f/f romances.

At this point, I have read a couple of Shira's book and I always find such a wonderful and adorable story. Although this one is a little bit sexier (and hot). Not complaining, at all.

I enjoy this one, we get information about the world-building and the characters' past. It also worked better for me because the couple already knows each other, and they've been flirting for a while. So the transition from single to in relationship feels more smooth.

Also: bisexual Jewish MC, Latinx LI (Costan Rican)