A review by kady_cordova
The Line of Succession by Harry F. Rey


🌟🌟🌟🌟 4.5 stars
πŸ”₯πŸ”₯πŸ”₯ Heat Level: 3

Wickedly good and salaciously scandalous!

This was an exciting and scandalous read. It is set in a world ruined by Queen Victoria but that is were our reality and this world ends. This story is reminiscent of the best over the top soap operas with sex, scandal, angst, betrayal, drama, and political and personal intrigue, with some awesome twists, its a wicked drama filled ride!

Harry’s writing is quick and fast paced, packed with scandals and details enabling you to be encased in this world and watch the chaos happen. It’s a quick read that draws you into the drama surrounding next in line for the thrown, Prince James. His life seems to be a bit of a mess, being deeply closeted, in love with his best friend, and he is forced to face the public as straight. With an ongoing rivalry and hatred between his twin sister, Princess Alexandra, drama ensues and betrayal reigns.

The story ends on a cliffhanger which left me reeling and wondering what the hell is going to happen next! I look forward to the next instalment, next year and can’t wait to see what happens next!

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