A review by hmnborczon
The Hurricane Wars by Thea Guanzon

Did not finish book. Stopped at 22%.
I tried really hard to give this book a chance, but I had to literally talk myself into turning the audiobook back on every time I opened my Libby app and looked at it. It's blatant Star Wars fanfic repackaged, and while I'm all for a good fic and even a strong fic repackage, this book gave me nothing but thoughts of "oh that's definitely (insert character/place/thing) from Star Wars or having to actively look up the Star Wars wiki to remember who/what/when/where/why from Star Wars because nothing is fleshed out or explained since it was a fic and prior knowledge of Star Wars lore was assumed when it was written but never worked on when it made the jump to original fiction. I may try and pick it back up if I run out of reads later but I'm not hopeful.