A review by revanchists
Mockingjay by Suzanne Collins


WARNING: This book may cause mental breakdown.

Of course I was disappointed at the latter part of the book, considering the fact that all those hard times - deaths, mournings, and confusion - has come to.. what? Yes, the book could have been better, but I can't deny the feeling that it moved me. That's life, isn't it? People left and you have to go on. I understand Katniss's struggle all throughout, but I think she could have made things different. I know it's pretty hard to explain, but all that dawned on me is the hardest question: What now? Every page I turned I can't help but feel very desperate for something. I can't move on. All those people I loved.

First of all, I was torn by Peeta's condition. I got sad because.. from that moment on he became a stranger. I don't know him anymore. All his personality revealed in those two books - gone. And Katniss. Sometimes I just think she's so stupid. But we would have been like that if we were her, wouldn't we? Gale, the least defended of all. Sometimes I felt sympathy, sometimes I can't get myself to feel something for him. And don't get me started on the others. They seem too much real to me, I don't think I could handle the pain.

I feel like a disaster. I have mixed feelings and I come up with a different opinion for like every 10 minutes. Aftershock, I guess? Ugh. I suck in giving reviews.

All I wanted is to have an extension for it. Because I was really devastated when I realized nothing else is happening when it only had a very few pages left. But thinking about it, it's not possible. Katniss will continue in her life, even there are "much worse games to play". None would have been added to it, anyway. It has to be our own decision to end it. Nevertheless, it affected me emotionally, spiritually, mentally, or even physically (you see, I was broken hearted). But if I could ask you one question: If you were still seventeen, could you get on with every single life taken every day, lead a rebellion, carry on the mission to assassinate the president, choose between orders and personal wants, and watch your sister die that you protected from the evil people that ruined your life on the first place? COULD YOU? You might be having a hard time moving on with your ex, but study her carefully! She has gone through a lot than we could imagine. But reading those last pages makes it impossibly fuzzy. Why is this girl, who spent those last few months struggling and beaten, will end up here, worn out and useless? I was hoping for some kind of happy resolution where all of them could live together and learn that all those that happened is a lesson, for all sides. But I have to move on, right? There's no Hunger Games. The real enemy is taken down. Humanity's harsh realities are proved and straight to the point. It was all over. It was all over! But I can't shake that unfamiliar emotion I still feel.

I don't know. Now I just have to accept the trilogy is over. That's it. Cry. Or whatever. It happened and there's no changing it.