A review by annettebooksofhopeanddreams
Scales and Sensibility by Stephanie Burgis


I don't like Jane Austen. At least. I didn't like Pride and Prejudice and I'm terrified now to try any of her other books. I guess I don't get her sense of humor (all I see is her making jokes about people being products of their time) and I couldn't stand the characters both being dumb and sabotaging their own happiness. However, I do like dragons. And mysteries and magic. So I got curiouser and curiouser about this book. I gave in and just decided to start reading.

Picking this book up, or maybe especially picking this book up now, was one of the best decisions of my life. After a couple of really heavy books with little to no hope, light and happiness I really needed this. I needed this lightness, this chaos, this inconvenient magic that is not really making things much easier. I needed this romance. I needed this little angst with a promise of a happily ever after. I needed this regency world with dragons.

What I loved especially about this book is that, despite the magic and the dragons, the author really did write a regency romance. All the social rules are present. More than once people are threatened with being ruined and reputations being slandered. Compromising positions are being used as weapons and rich people think they are allowed to look down on other people. The pacing of the story is just a tad little bit much faster than most regency romances I had tried.

However, the book is mostly so amazing because it's insanely entertaining. The whole situation with the dragon and our heroine fleeing away with him is quite amazing already and then the best is still to come. Everything that can go wrong, does go wrong. Schemes are being thought out and destroyed. Loads of people want to get things done and for some reason they all need our heroine to do it. And while our heroine is slowly growing more and more hopeless we know all will be well in the end.

I can't wait for the sequel to be released!