A review by stuffhanreads
Glint by Raven Kennedy


Rating: 4 Stars

”If you tried, you could shine brighter than the fucking sun. Instead, you’ve chosen to sit back and wither.”

This book! It’s so much better than Gild, the first book was a bit too graphic for my taste. With the attempted rape, the abuse, the sex, it was average at best. However, the second book, Glint, while it isn’t as action-packed as Gild was, it features more important things. Namely, character development and world-building. In this book I have learned more about the Fourth Kingdom and it’s people than I ever could’ve in Gild. My hate for Midas has also grown and grown the longer I read this book, ultimately boiling down to a massive amount of hatred at the end.

I will say though, the plot had a lot of surprises, finding out that Fourth Kingdom has their very own fae commander called Rip, who apparently is also King Ravinger? I would never have guessed that! I was so shocked at that plot twist at the end!
King Midas fooling the whole world about his gold-touch as well? Wild. I had no clue that Auren was the one who actually had those powers. Although, it makes a lot of sense considering I found out that Auren is also fae like Rip. I didn’t think she was human, I mean humans don’t have ribbons protruding from their back that they can control. So I didn’t assume she was something else, I wasn’t expecting fae though.

This book represents Auren’s doubt, the doubt she feels every time Rip mentions something about Auren, her inability to handle a bad word against someone who for all the love he claims he has for her, locks her in a gilded cage. A CAGE. God I hate him so much. Auren deserves better and she found that with Rip and his army, with Lu, Keg, Judd, Osrik. People who if she manages to escape Midas again, could become her friends.