A review by justlily
The 13th Hour by Richard Doetsch


Another absolutely outrageous disappointment. Please explain to me how you can have such a cool premise for a story and fail it so utterly. How is this book so mind numbingly boring? How is that possible? I'm so FRUSTRATED right now.

First of all, the writing is awful. Nick and Julia are just picture perfect. They're both beautiful and in shape and rich and smart and friendly and just la-dee-fucking-dah everyone god damn loves them because they're Jesus reincarnated and split in two. They have the perfect jobs, the perfect home, loads of money that they're saving up to raise their picture perfect kids. I was expecting it to go Gone Girl wherein we find out that's all a facade and some really fucked up stuff is happening behind the scenes........ NOPE. The author is just genuinely so shallow that he made them that way. The good guys are Perfect. The bad guys are ugly and vulgar and stupid. What amateurish writing.

Not only are the characters absolutely insufferable but somehow, like I said above, the author manages to take a backwards in time moving murder mystery with a giant plane crush, mobster like thugs, millions of dollars stolen, and more...and put me to fucking sleep. Chapters upon chapters of shit I did not care about at all, that added nothing to the story, just complete meaningless drivel for pages on end.

I'm angry I wasted so much time on this book. The ending didn't make it even close to worth sitting through the garbage pile that was the rest of it.