A review by booksnorkel
The Girl Who Soared Over Fairyland and Cut the Moon in Two by Catherynne M. Valente


When you grow up you learn there are wonderful people in the world. They add to the magic, they add to the smiles, and their presence makes the mundane extraordinary. You also learn that there are people in this world that want you to conform to how they want you to act. Typically these people are fellow middle school/ high schoolers who are still learning about themselves, and in this awkward and embarrassing stage in everyone’s life, they don’t want you to stand out because they don’t want to. They are the ones who put others down for having interests, and passion. They are the ones who laugh she someone if truly excited about something ‘other’. Everyone meets these people, and everyone lets them change them in some way. September is learning this life lesson, she has to deal with mean girls at school, and that fear of being passionate about learning. September can’t wait to escape these people and the mundane, except fairyland is late. And when it shows up, the Blue Wind takes September to a very different side of fairyland.
Poor September, it's been over a year. She's been working and saving her money so that when she doesn't get to fairyland she won't have to be hungry or poor. She wants to have an adventure, she wants to explore, and she wants to enjoy it. So much is left out of the books that she has read, no one mentions being hungry and cold and having to kill to eat.

This time she is ready, until the Blue Wind comes for her. The Blue wind is nothing like her beloved Green, nor as wonderful as the Red.
September goes to the moon this time, and gets to finally be with Ell and Saturday, and not just their shadows. One of my favorite parts is when Ell tells her what it feels like when she leaves, oh my heart broke.

And the circus, made me want to read the Night Circus again, I really do love that about these books. They are able to rekindle my love of reading. Sometimes I'll be in a rut, or read one dud after another. Sometimes I find myself dreading to read, and when I am able to realize that, I know that if I were to read any of these books I'll have in my heart six or seven books that I want to go back inside of.

September, you should have known to be careful what you wish for.