A review by andipants
Stonewords: A Ghost Story by Pam, Conrad


I liked the ghost/time travel aspects of this story, and the ending was pleasantly satisfying. I found the storyline with the mom less interesting and pretty underdeveloped. I also didn't particularly like the main characters; Zoe Louise came off as bossy and spoiled (which she probably was, but it made me wonder why Zoe liked hanging out with her so much), and Zoe seemed incredibly slow to catch on to obvious plot points. I don't mind people being incredulous at the thought of ghosts, but the idea that the possibility doesn't even occur to her for that long? Stretches believability a bit.

One note about the writing: it is very lovely in some places, but the author is a compulsive simile abuser. Everything is like something else, and a lot of times, those comparisons don't really make a lot of sense, especially in the narrative voice of a pre-teen girl. The words definitely felt like they were overpowering the story occasionally. Overall though, it was a decent read, if not particularly creepy.