A review by ferrisscottr
Starfire: Shadow Sun Seven by Spencer Ellsworth


Middle book in this space opera trilogy.

I had the same problems with this book as I did with the first one - for large portions of the book there seems to be absolutely no point to any of it, it's like you're just turning pages and reading words. Nothing seems to move the story forward because there doesn't seem to really be a story.

The last book I rounded up because the last 20% of the book was amazing.
This book I'm rounding down because there just isn't enough story to warrant anything else (and this is a SHORT book).

We still have our Empire and Resistance and Reckoning (you take your pick), we have our heroes and villains, we have fights and battles. But what we really have is a great story outline that didn't really get written all that well.

Good enough for a three star rating but just barely.

We'll see if Ellsworth can bring it together in Book 3.