A review by juliagoesoutdoors
Less is More: How Degrowth Will Save the World by Jason Hickel


This book is a must-read for anyone wanting to join the solutions and conversations on ecological collapse, warming temperatures, and environmental justice. This is the first book on this subject matter that didn't make me shut down with anxiety and feel totally hopeless because it focuses on the specific culprits and specific solutions.

Hickel writes a comprehensive picture of the multi-faceted problems we face and how the 'solutions' given to us by capitalism and the western world will only deepen resource use and colonization of the global south. It gives scientific and evidence-based rebuttals against faulty arguments supporting the possibility of "green capitalism" that is so popular among both liberals and conservatives.

Hickel also writes extensively on how indigenous cultures give us the clearest picture of ecological reciprocity.

I highly recommend this book, and will probably write a more detailed review after another read through:-)